Monday, March 24, 2008

Dominican Republic Seven

February 22, 2008

This is a recap of the events that went on Friday, which was two days before we left to head home. Breakfast was amazing like usual, but I lacked an appetite because I was going through some things. I mean I still ate the food because there was no telling what I was going to have for lunch. I mean it could have been another "ham"burger or maybe some fried chicken ankles, who knows? My feelings got the best of me for a while, but once we started seeing patients that all changed. My problems seemed so trivial, I realized people were sick and going through some serious problems; my issues did not seem as big anymore. I changed my attitude and quickly got to work translating each person's problems with my partner. At least I did not run into a wicked case of scabies like I did the other day, thank goodness I packed the ointment. Also, thank goodness I actually did not get anything.

One of the classrooms.

The beautiful bathroom.

The front line.

The coolest interpretors ever! Okay, maybe not ever.

Being attacked by gnats. Oh, good times!

He made laugh, so he deserved a picture.

I also snapped out of my funk because I got to give out some of the shoes that the Wake Forest Community donated. It is funny how giving can change a person's attitude. The boy was so happy to get the shoes. I mean they were girl shoes, but he did not care.

I was pleasantly surprised about our lunch. It was a wonderful lunch for the most part. It was fried chicken, mashed plantains, and pineapple. I gave up fried food for life, but this time I made an exception. I made a really big exception and ate two boxes of it to be exact. I passed on the mashed plantains, but I ate two pineapple slices. I will definitely miss the delicious fruit.

The red cross mascot . . . I gave her some of my food.

I got to meet the cutest boy in the world. His name was Ricky Tomato. Yes, folks, his last name was Tomato and it is the coolest. I played with him as much as I possibly could because it was near the end of our day. One of the adults spanked him to keep him from running around. To keep him from crying, I ran and got him a lion stuffed animal. He enjoyed it so much. He really enjoyed it because he broke the other toy that they gave him earlier. Oh, Ricky Tomato!

Ricky Tomato

Ricky showing us his whip skills!

A pretend patient . . . she had a lot of problems.

We were swamped!

She loved my children's gummy vitamins that I swear by.
I was her sexy chocolate husband . . . he he he!

To end the day, all the kids played Red Light, Green Light, who would have known that this game was universal? Anyway, watching the kids play red light, green light was so much fun. I tried to take as many pictures as I possibly could, but I did not realize my camera had the rapid picture option until after the children were done playing the game.

Aw, don't run from the fun!!!

Friday night, some members of our group, including myself, took a trip to the discoteca. All I am allowed to say is "what happens in the discoteca remains in the discoteca!"

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